PhotoMonitoring is the new advanced platform developed by NHAZCA for the analysis and control of land, structures and infrastructures.
PhotoMonitoring platform has been created in response to the growing need of real-time and low-cost monitoring solutions, and is capable to use any source of images available, acquired by cameras installed on terrestrial, aerial and satellite platforms.
This fast-growing dataset of images acquired over portion of land and infrastructures in recent years is, in many cases, already freely available and easily accessible, thanks to the widespread use of consumer photographic equipment, and holds a huge potential as base for our analysis and monitoring of surficial changes and displacements.
PhotoMonitoring is based on a set of advanced image-processing algorithms that we combined in a new software, named IRIS, completely developed by NHAZCA, with a modular solution conceived to analyze data acquired from any type of platforms and sensors, and offers the following features:
- Integrated module for data acquisition from the main providers
- Displacement analysis, up to millimeter accuracy with Digital Image Correlation algorithms
- Change Detection analysis
- Multi-temporal analysis with displacement time-series
- Data processing with a variety of file formats
- Automatic processing
- Real-time analysis, results ready in a few minutes from images acquisition
- Windows and Linux compatible

In its ground-based configuration, IRIS allows continuous and real-time data analysis, thanks to automated and stand-alone processing capability, to control and monitor ground motions and surficial changes down to millimeter accuracy.
Main applications
Landslide and sinkhole displacement monitoring; rock scarp evolution monitoring; slope stability monitoring in open mines; glaciers displacement analysis; snow avalanche monitoring; health and safety structural monitoring (bridges, geotechnical assets, concrete and earth dams, tailing dams, buildings, etc.).

PhotoMonitoring solution can be coupled with a wide set of tools, from ad-hoc sensors (e.g. thermal cameras) to commercial-grade cameras (e.g. DSLR, IPcam) able to address different types of needs. All these devices are specifically designed in order to continuously acquire reliable and comparable data and, thanks to rugged and weatherproof housing, in any type of environment such as constructions sites, remote areas, industrial zones, etc.

IRIS aerial solutions allow analyzing high-detailed panoramic view of the area/process of interest and monitoring the evolution of natural processes and man-induced changes by taking advantage of different datasets collected through time from UAV and mid-air systems (e.g. orthophotos, digital terrain models).
Main applications
Landslide and sinkhole displacement monitoring; rock scarp evolution monitoring; glaciers displacement analysis; slope stability monitoring in open mines; construction sites activities monitoring.

NHAZCA offers expert and qualified drone operators and its own fleet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for field surveys. Using UAVs means that we can obtain data from locations where access or visibility is limited providing high-resolution imagery to be processed by our software.
The flexibility and ease of deployment of a UAV allow collecting data in a rapid, affordable and on short notice way. UAV surveys are suitable for a variety of purposes including site inspections, structures surveying, multi-temporal acquisitions, etc.

Taking advantage of the big amount of satellite imagery such as panchromatic (e.g. Landsat, DigitalGlobe and SPOT 6/7), multispectral (e.g. Landsat, SPOT, RapidEye, Worldview-2/3) and hyperspectral (e.g. PRISMA – ASI) images, now available all over the world also thanks to the launch of nanosats and cubesats, IRIS allows to perform historical ground changes and displacement analysis and long-term monitoring plan.
Main applications
Ground change and displacement historical analysis and monitoring; identification and mapping of landslide events; large landslides displacement analysis; glaciers displacement analysis; monitoring of construction sites; mining activities monitoring; coastal and reservoir monitoring; floods mapping; fire mapping; disaster mapping.
NHAZCA (Natural HAZards Control and Assessment), Startup Company of Sapienza University of Rome, is a international leader in the analysis and monitoring of natural hazards and large infrastructures for the management and mitigation of risks.
NHAZCA is strongly characterized by a highly integrated and motivated team which contributes to its success and growth over time. Our team consists of enthusiasts geologists, engineers, project managers, and technicians coming both from private and academic world, also benefiting from a world-class network. Since our foundation, our team has been growing extensively and our ambition is to continue to develop new solutions and services while expanding our geographic footprint. Each employee is a specialist in his or her field.
Thanks to the high technical and scientific expertise of its team and to the support of excellent scientific and commercial partners, NHAZCA organizes specialized training activities, with courses both at national and international level, with the aim to provide to end-users the necessary background about the latest innovations in the field of geotechnical and structural monitoring and in the analysis of natural hazards for risk mitigation purposes.
VAT Number: 10711191006
REA: RM-1250972
Shared capital: 40.000 €
Univocal Code: W7YVJK9
Registered office
Via Vittorio Bachelet, 12
00185 Rome (Italy)
Tel.: (+39) 06 95.065.820
PEC: nhazcasrl@pec.it
E-mail: info@nhazca.com
Skype: nhazca